Columbus, OH
The Community Bankers Association of Ohio was in need of a website update and enlisted the help of K4 Marketing + Branding for the job. The goals for the new homepage were to update, refresh, and bring the items of utmost importance to the forefront. The CBAO has two unique audiences of Financial Members & Associate Members who use the website differently, which needed to be kept in mind when designing the new website, homepage layout and navigation. Another item that was deserving of homepage real estate - the association's quarterly publication - The OH Community Banker. The CBAO also wanted to simplify, yet improve, the content and presentation of educational programming on the CBAO University web page to best illustrate continuing education opportunities available and ease the registration process. End result - improved navigation and user experience for all!
K4 Marketing + Branding presented other brand consistent items to the CBAO including updated logo options and social media cover images complementary to the design of the new website.