Rochester Hills, MI – 1,560 s.f.
As early adopters of the relationship banking model and Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs); Oxford Bank came to K4 to create a space that is peaceful, efficient and makes this interactive type of banking easy for customers. This is a teller-less branch staffed by only three employees, one Greeter and two Relationship Bankers. The ITM is operated by staff in Oxford Bank’s Main Office. The branch features a greeter area, huddle spaces, a tech bar, and one privacy booth for conversations regarding sensitive financial information.
Oxford Bank’s logo and branded colors are strong brand elements that made for an easy focal point in K4’s design approach. It was a challenge to use an orange that can easily be overwhelming but balancing that orange with their trademark blue and other neutral colors, were perfectly complimentary. In order to achieve brand consistency with other locations, this branch uses gold elements as well as similar countertops styles to be reflective of previous branding efforts.
Oxford Bank plans to expand into multiple new markets over the next few years, with a new innovative approach to the delivery of services at their branch locations and with their mobile and on-line digital experience. Oxford Bank’s expansion plans include the use of alternative branch facilities with smaller footprints of space located strategically in busy retail centers and to develop smaller customer engagement centers staffed with Relationship Bankers that will be located on-site.